New customer: Rana bibliotek

Rana bibliotek has purchased Digital Shelves and Welcome Screen with easyWay way finder for their spectacular library.

We look forward to seeing their screens in use and to our future collaboration with Rana bibliotek.


Friendly Frank in various library spots in Esbjerg

Esbjerg Bibliotekerne have recently started using their Friendly Franks in seven different places within the municipality.

They are situated in so-called library spots where the citizens normally show up for other reasons. Now, the citizens are able to pick up their ordered materials, return them and search for materials from the library’s complete inventory. The library can also create inspirational lists shown on the screen in order to let the user’s order materials directly from the place they’re in.

Friendly Frank can work as an alternative to the Book bus. It can also be expanded with various functions such as an event calendar or a newsletter.

Vilslev_webHere you see Friendly Frank in the supermarket Brugsen i Vilslevjernved_2_web The activity house in Jernvedegebæk-hvidding_webEgebæk-Hviding culture and leisure center

hjerting_webHjerting, nursing home


Esbjerg Kommunes Biblioteker acquires Friendly Frank

Esbjerg Kommunes Biblioteker have chosen Friendly Frank as their new lending- and delivery system. The newspaper “Jyske Vestkysten” wrote the following:

Skærmbillede 2020-02-11 08.21.38

We’re looking forward to the collaboration.
